Productadvantages Dripitex®

Dripitex® Root Zone Irrigation Mats mainly stand out due to their efficiency. Next to the remarkable water-saving potential, it also offers an easy installation and low maintenance technology.

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Up to 70 % water saving

  • No evaporation
  • High water storage capacity
  • No exposure to wind
  • Even higher water saving effect if irrigation runs during night time
  • Reduction of soil erosion and improved greening of sparsely vegetated areas
  • Extremely good root penetration, prevention of stagnant water and less pest affection due to dryer topsoil

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Improves plant growth

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  •  Almost 100 % even water distribution over the entire area to be irrigated
  • Water supply directly at the roots First, the water is stored in the mat
  • Then, the roots take the required amount of water from the mat
  • Strengthens the root system
  • More efficient use of water, almost no loss of water through evaporation.
  • Possible supplementation with fertilizer

Improved usage/applications

  • Irrigation is possible at anytime
  • Area can be utilized during the irrigation periods
  • Reduced risk of vandalism
  • Reduced risk of damage during maintenance work
  • No flooding of roads/less danger with regard to aquaplaning
  • No unpleasant smell if treated water is used

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Hi, I am 
Janin Blüml.

I am happy to help:

Tel. +49 4243 9288-29